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Old Globe


TBC believes the Lord Jesus is calling His church to make disciples of every people group on the planet (Matt 28:19-20).  Individuals must hear and believe the gospel in order to be saved (Rom 10:14-15), and then those who believe must be brought together into biblically-ordered local churches which begin the process all over again (Acts 2:42-47), until the entire earth is filled with the knowledge of the Lord (Hab 2:14).  Our great God and Savior is worthy of nothing less (Psalm 2; Isa 53:11).  Fulfilling the Great Commission is the reason Jesus saved us and every believer has a vital role to play, either as a sender or a goer.

Currently, our church supports missionaries and ministries devoted to reaching India, Norway, Myanmar, Indonesia, The Czech Republic, Southeast Asia, international university students, and Bible translation.  We pray at least weekly for our missionaries by name and strive to remain in contact with them through regular letters and emails and occasional in-person reports.  We have a strong preference for those working to plant indigenous churches through gospel proclamation and Bible exposition and choose to give a greater amount to fewer missionaries, rather than minimal amounts to many.  Since we look at our missionaries as essentially "off-campus staff", we will only partner with those with whom we share considerable theological, philosophical, and methodological alignment.  We also pray constantly that the Lord would raise up global missionaries from within our congregation.  For more information about our specific missionaries, or if you're a prospective missionary seeking support and believe we are committed to the same approach to ministry, please contact our church.

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