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Nursery Ministry

The nursery is for newborns through two-year-olds. This allows parents of this young group to be involved in other ministries without worry. It is also a time of teaching and fun for these little ones.


Sunday School

Sunday school is available for children from age three to high school age. Children learn about the Bible, biblical characters and stories, and Christian beliefs and doctrine in ways that are age-appropriate. This allows parents to attend the adult Sunday school or participate in other ministries, knowing that that their children are receiving good, biblical teaching.


Children’s Church

Children’s Church is for ages two through grade 5. Children are included in the corporate worship service but are excused to Children’s Church immediately preceding the sermon. Our primary goal in this ministry is to teach children the Bible and the character of God. Currently Children’s Church is working through a chronological overview of the entire storyline of the Bible. We hope to see these youngsters, upon entering the sixth grade, move into worship prepared to listen with understanding to the sermon.


Wednesday Evening: Truth4Kids

Our Wednesday evening children’s program is called Truth4Kids. It is a curriculum that uses age appropriate Scripture memorization, catechism-style questions and answers, and Bible study to help children learn about God, the Bible, and salvation through Jesus Christ.


Teenage Growth Group

Temporarily on hiatus.

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