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Nursery Ministry

The nursery is for newborns through two-year-olds. This allows parents of this young group to be involved in other ministries without worry. It is also a time of teaching and fun for these little ones.

Sunday School

Every Sunday morning at 9:30, we have classes to educate believers and share the Gospel in an age-appropriate manner. These classes are designed to facilitate growth in the knowledge of Christ through the intentional study of God’s Word, either through an approved curriculum or through the direct teaching and knowledge of the teacher.

Corporate Worship

Every Sunday morning at 10:45, we comes together as one to pray, sing, and hear the Word of God preached from the pulpit. This time together is the central ministry of our congregation designed to promote a sense of joy in what God has done for us in Jesus. Through careful expository preaching, the sermon is the primary tool that is used to bring us and others to a knowledge of our Great God and our need to respond to Him. We also use prayer, reading Scripture, singing, confessions of faith, and observing the Lord’s Supper to draw our attention to God and give us opportunities to worship to Him.

Growth Groups

Growth Groups are designed to extend the pastoral care of the body and to facilitate congregational fellowship and service. These small groups meet in convenient locations throughout the community for the purpose of mutual encouragement, prayer, discussion of the Bible, and growth in godliness. Not infrequently, when an individual experiences a time of crisis or suffering, their growth group will rally around them to help meet needs.

Music Ministry

Our music ministry is designed to promote the worship of God by means of voices and instruments. The song leaders lead in congregational worship through singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Vocal solos, duets, and instrumental numbers are also featured occasionally. Praise through music is also incorporated into our Wednesday evening Truth4Kids program for children and our youth ministry.

Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

Baptism and observing the Lord’s Supper are the two ordinances Jesus gave us to publicly declare our faith, belief, and trust in His death and resurrection. Trinity practices water immersion following an individual’s commitment to Christ. We observe the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of every month and invite all those who have put their trust in Christ and are walking obediently with Him to partake with us.


Biblical Counseling

Biblical Counseling is provided free of charge to all members and regular attenders of Trinity. We believe God’s word contains the solutions for all the spiritual problems of life and our pastor would be privileged to serve you in this way. We are able to offer a male counselor or a female counselor to facilitate the needs of the individual. Please contact the church to make an appointment.

Church Membership

Church membership is an important part of our ministry in that we believe every Christian should be committed to a good local church where he or she can be cared for in an atmosphere that encourages spiritual growth. If you are not a member of a Gospel-believing, Bible-preaching church, it would be our joy and privilege to serve you in this way. If you would like to attend our church pre-membership class to help you discover if Trinity is right for you, please contact the church for more information.

Christianity Explored

Christianity Explored is a brief, six-session study through the Gospel of Mark designed to explain who Jesus is and why He is significant to your life. This course is ideal for those unfamiliar with Christianity or those skeptical of the claims of Christ. If such a study interests you, one of our members would be delighted to work through it with you at your convenience.

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